Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Construction Safety

Last week I started a required 40-Hour construction safety class for NYC Department of Building Superintendent License. It been a few long days and hard working from 7:00 to 2:30/3:00 running my job sites and then traveling to NYC for a class from 4:30 to 9:00. I have been trying to relate this safety class to our marketing class and was having trouble making a connection. Last night we talked about how to make everyone on the job site not only aware of the safety rules and regulations but to follow them. As the construction superintendent, construction safety coordinator or construction safety manager it is our responsibility to enforce safety throughout the job. The instructor then said that we need to sell safety to the guys working. Making one additional sale can improve the entire job site. Once someone of the job realized how important safety is, it travels through other workers and other trades. In theory, we as the job super need to sell the idea that safety will improve work and does not impact the schedule to all contractors working on the job. An unsafe job or one not meeting city safety requirements will be order a 'Stop Work Order' therefore delaying the job.

Managing a safe job site also plays into out customer service. If the job site is safe and there are no violations from the city or state the job will be shut down. There will be no delays in the project and a better chance of meeting the completion date. Meeting the schedule and allowing the client/building owner to start operating is the most important goal. Without an operational building the client is not making any money. A safe project can lead to a pleased client and hopefully they will hire us again.

1 comment:

  1. I wholly agree with you that a safe project can build good relations with our client and they might hire us again or even recommend us to others.

    Construction Safety Columbus Ohio
